Performed October 13-15, 2005
Adapted and directed by J. Michael Beech
Scroll down below the photos to see the cast and crew of the show.
Matt Anderson (Gryphon)
Courtney Baines (Humpty Dumpty)
Christa Boyd (White Queen)
Ryan Brown (The King Of Hearts)
Esther Choi (Five of Spades/Ensemble)
Abby Crain (Caterpillar)
Bethany Downey (Ensemble)
Raven Duncan (Owl/Ensemble)
Desiree’ Ferrell (Susan Daisy/Ensemble)
Lindsay Lou Groninger (Guard 2/ Frog Footman)
Jessica Hanson (Larkspur/Ensemble)
Dani Haslett (Deuce of Spades)
Hayley Hedges (The Cheshire Cat)
Elizabeth Huegel ( Tweedle Dee)
Melissa Johnston (The Duchess)
Meredith Jones (Mock Turtle)
Megan Elizabeth Kennedy (The Mad Hatter)
Jillian Kennedy (Alice)
Amanda Kouri (March Hare)
Brittany Long (Walrus/Ensemble)
Meredith Lyons (Mother/Cook)
Gabriella Martino (Tweedle Dum)
Renee McDonald (Mouse/Ensemble)
Lauren Neely (Dodo/Ensemble)
Kelly Nevling (Eaglet/Ensemble)
Hannah Oney (Duck)
Jenny Orton (Lory)
Kalas Pendergraft (Daisy/Ensemble)
Natalya Perez (Violet/Ensemble)
Chelsea Pro (Seven of Spades/Ensemble)
Arielle Reed (Executer/Ensemble)
Rob Romaine (Knave of Hearts)
Alyssa Rosenburg (Dormouse)
Amy Ross (Ensemble)
Rosa Sanchez (The Queen of Hearts)
Andrea Smidler (Tiger Lilly/ Ensemble)
Ashley Walls (Alice)
Lauren Wenick (Red Queen)
Brett Williams (White Rabbit)
Tara Williams (Guard 1/Fish-Footman)
Tashauna Williams (Ensemble)