Performed April 10-12, 2014
Les Misérables
Adapted by Tim Kelly from the novel by Victor Hugo.
Directed by Paul A. Orsett
Scroll down below the photos to see the cast and crew of the show.

Victor Hugo: James Risolio
Thenardier: Nathaniel McCain
Mme. Thenardier: Abby Meaux
Eponine: Shelby Barros
Azelma: Carey Hanrahan
Champmathieu: Connor Ritter
Jean Valjean: Alex Eaton
Mme. Magliore: Delacey Simpson
Monseigneur Myriel: Connor Chaney
Mlle. Baptistine: Elizabeth Fleming
Sergeant: Joshua Howard
Policeman: Nhan Tran
Fantine: Rachel Horowitz
Mme. Victurien: Charlotte Driscoll
Fauchelevent: Kaleb Gibbs
Girl 1: Kellie Gamble
Girl 2: Emily Miller
Girl 3: Jade Malka
Girl 4: Elese Corson
Girl 5: Savannah Pardue
Girl 6: Jasmine Warner
Marguerite: Gabrielle Rinker
Inspector Javert: Cody Keech
Bamatabois: Kyle Yeomans
Judge: James Risolio
Prosecutor: Isiah Lott
Mme. Rondeau: Lauren Howell
Mme. Griber: Courtney Singleton
Sister Simplicity: Jessie Christopher
Marius: Nhat Tran
Mlle. Gillnormand: Amber McCormick
Adele: Joshua Howard
Henri: Nhan Tran
Cosette: Julianne Castillo
Charlotte: Alyssa Michael
Young Man: James Risolio
Young Woman: Emma Robinson
Prisoner: Bibolet Joshua Howard
Ensemble: Julianna Dix, Alexis Fein, Emily Hale, Haley King, Cailey Newschaefer, Monica Woodleif
Production Team
Director: Paul A. Orsett
Audio/Lighting Designer: Stevan Dupor
Costume Designer: Karen Williams
Sound Operator: Spencer Hart
Sound Assistant: Sarah Almond
Light/Video Operator: Stevan Dupor
Costumes: Shelby Barros, Julianne Castillo, Rachel Horowitz
Shift Crew: Jenny Dao, Chandler Willoughby, Cheyenne Frett, Jacob Stattel, Madison Alford
Tech Work: Shelby Barros, Julianne Castillo, Conner Chaney, Jessie Christopher, Elese Corson, Julianna Dix, Charlotte Driscoll, Alex Eaton, Alexis Fein, Elizabeth Fleming, Kellie Gamble, Kaleb Gibbs, Emily Hale, Carey Hanrahan, Rachel Horowitz, Joshua Howard, Lauren Howell, Cody Keech, Haley King, Isiah Lott, Jade Malka, Nathaniel McCain, Amber McCormick, Abby Meaux, Alyssa Michael, Emily Miller, Cailey Newschaefer, Savannah Pardue, Gabrielle Rinker, James Risolio, Conner Ritter, Emma Robinson, DeLacey Simpson, Courtney Singleton, Nhan Tran, Nhat Tran, Jasmine Warner, Monica Woodlief, Kyle Yeomans