April 9-13, 2019
By Lee Muller
Performed in the Wakefield High School Media Center
Scroll down below the photos to see the cast and crew of the show.
Cast for Saturday performances
George Holmes: Beck McCoy
Fannie Mae: Anastasia Crosby
Lars Cuttovich: Parker Young
Ella Adler: Alanna Perrin
Lou Braunhorst: Michael Cruz
Ethyl Cornwirtz: Munira Mohamed
Charlie Ratcliffe: Edward Pacheco
Eric Lawson: Matthew Jones
Trish Lawson: Xanixus Moysenko
Agent McManshon: Kyle Harris
Tanya: Nathalie Link
Production Team
Director: Paul Orsett
Assistant Director: Naomi Firebaugh
Stage Manager: Maria Hoppough
Lighting/Sound Operator: Tommy Keech