April 9-13, 2019
By Lee Muller
Performed in the Wakefield High School Media Center
Scroll down below the photos to see the cast and crew of the show.
Cast for Thursday & Friday performances
George Holmes: Andrew Patterson
Fannie Mae: Anastasia Crosby
Lars Cuttovich: Parker Young
Ella Adler: Lindsay Jenkins
Lou Braunhorst: Keelhn Gibbs
Ethyl Cornwirtz: Cate Welsh
Charlie Ratcliffe: Edward Pacheco
Eric Lawson: Matthew Jones
Trish Lawson: Xanixus Moysenko
Agent McManshon: Kyle Harris
Tanya: Nyla Yancy
Production Team
Director: Paul Orsett
Assistant Director: Naomi Firebaugh
Stage Manager: Maria Hoppough
Lighting/Sound Operator: Tommy Keech